Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.
Product Features
• The strips are U. V. Stabilised
• Temperature range : 100 °C to 500 °C Chemical resistant
• It has high resistance to corrosive substances including acids, alkalies and agressive agents
• Fire Resistant : It is non-flamable and self extinguishing
• Freezer Grade : 2 mm thick
• Available thickness : 2mm, 3mm, 5mm
• Width : 100mm / 200 mm / 300 mm
Applications and advantages
• Easy to wipe, clean and strips can be replaced if required
• Durable top quality PVC Material features heavy duty strength and tear resistant for long service life
• Admits light, transparancy provides excellent, visibility for through traffic
• Restrict movement of air pollutantns such as dust, dirt, smoke, fumes
• Control employee comfort by keeping temperature and humidity under control
• Prevent birds & flying insects, outside or between different work areas
• Reduce heat or cold air loss by opening only wide enough to let a person or a vehicle go through and then closing automatically
• Isolate noisy machinery and equipment, work station and loading docks from other work areas
* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.